Dear Friends,
Please join us for the next Open House Art Gallery on Saturday, July 31, 2010, starting at 6 pm.
Please welcome an amazing photographer and writer Marylou Butler www.maryloubutler.com whose work has been most notably featured in the popular magazine SO Rhode Island
"...Marylou captures wonderful reflections that turn the world up side down all in lush colors..." says AS220 about her latest show.
As always Wayne Bridge and Dorota Streitfeld are the accompanying host artists; and Rich Streitfeld is our host of honor and whimsy, bank of information and network advice. All art is offered for sale, discussion, comments and ice breaking.
Bring pot luck food, drinks, and musical instruments, if you play. By popular demand we will have a fire pit outside, so hot dogs, franks, wursts, sticks etc. will be nice.
And as usual kindly forward the invitation to friends and foes!
With love to all,
Marylou, Dorota, Rich and Wayne