With Some People You Click, With Some People You Clack.

Clack Clack. 

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Rebel HQ Open House Gallery Invitation—October 25, 2008 Dress Up, Not Stress Up

Please join us for the costume and art party on October 25, 2008, starting at 5 pm.

Wayne Bridge and Dorota Streitfeld are the host artists. All art is offered for sale, discussion, comments and ice breaking.

Please take it easy, if the costume issue stresses you out. Hmmm.... But that's the point. Ok, we'll have a massage (torture?) chair for those stressed out art celebrators. :)

Bring pot luck food/drink, and musical instruments, if you play. And as usual, kindly forward the invitation to friends and foes!

1 comment:

Chris and Sarah said...

Sounds like fun, Dorota! We'll do our best to be there!
Sarah and family